Paraphrasing Charles Kendall Adams, no one ever attains very eminent success by doing what is expected of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of utmost distinction. Most people erroneously believe the expectation of lecturers in the forthcoming examinations is for us to give them what folks fondly call GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out. Well, when all we can do as students is doing only what is expected of us, then all we'll have is partial success.
But if we can go beyond the extra-ordinary; make personal researches coupled with what we were taught, without trying to assert our level of intelligence and ridiculing the lecturer's own method of teaching; the outcome of this effort is not just success, but utmost success – success that can withstand the test of time, success that ‘cramming’ alone cannot give. For what shall we say then, after finishing a session with First Class or 2nd Class Upper, we cannot defend this result neither can we impart this (knowledge) unto others; this will be worse than failure.
Let me conclude by wishing everyone of us what we wish for ourselves in these examinations and the examination of life in general. Henry Hazlitt posits that "A strong passion for anything will ensure its success, for the desire of the end will point out the means.” My thought about everyone in this institution – age, sex, ethnic or religious differences notwithstanding is captured in the last stanza of my poem 'Her Open Secrets':
Even when her dreamed 5.00 seems improbable,
She keeps saying it is achievable.
Someone scoffed, "This lady is imaginary."
I replied, "In B.U.K. it's nothing but reality."