Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Its been a very long while I last posted anything on this blog. But now that I'm back, I've decided to make the best of the time and opportunity God has given me to touch lives and share my thoughts on some things.
For this week, all I wanna talk about is the issue of Feminism, Womanism and the other 'isms' attached to the emancipation of womanhood as if they've been under 'colonial' rule from their male counterparts.

Gone are those days when a man has a final word in the house. This is so because nowadays, women want to be men themselves. It is now common to see in a house for a man to say one word and the woman will respond with four words. This behaviour comes with they cry for equality from these women. But if we don't watch out, we are going to be destroyed by these women.

Till my next post, think about this message. To what extent is the need for this course - feminism!

Clement O.